New Age Physical Therapy New Hyde Park NY

Physical therapists at New Age Physical Therapy believe in individualized care, with a hands-on approach. They listen to your concerns and will develop a specific and unique exercise/treatment program tailored to your needs.

Our treatments include but are not limited to a strengthening and exercise aspect which ensures an improvement towards full mobility and movement of the joints involved. Our therapists pride themselves on providing their patients which the highest quality of care, which is why their objective for every patient is to achieve a full recovery as soon as possible, so they can resume their daily routine.

We are conveniently located near New Hyde Park, NY. Since we care for each patient individually, we know scheduling appointments can be difficult especially when you’re busy with work and/or school, which is why we have flexible hours starting in the morning and spanning into the afternoon and evening as well as the weekend. There is valet parking for our patients and New Age Physical Therapy is easily accessible via public transportation.  We serve New hyde park and surrounding areas.